Welcome to our interactive calculators page! Below you will find multiple calculators, with information on each in their respective dropdowns.

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Interactive Ozone Calculator


Use this calculation to determine the necessary ozone production to achieve a specific ozone dosage into a water flow.

(3.78 • 60 • GPM • PPM) / 1000 = g/hr.

Standard Conditions: P = 101325 Pa, T = 273.3 K
Density of Ozone 2.14 kg/m3
Molecular Weight of Ozone 48
Density of Oxygen 1.43 kg/m3
Molecular Weight of Oxygen 32
Density of Air 1.29 kg/m3
Density of Water 1000 kg/m3
GPM Gallons per Minute
PPM Parts per Million
g/hr. Grams per Hour
SLPM Standard Liters Per Minute
% O3 Percentage Ozone concentration
g/m3 Grams per Cubic Meter
kg/m3 Kilograms per Cubic Meter
P Pressure
Pa Pascals
T Temperature
K Kelvin
CFM Cubic Feet per Minute
PPHM Parts per Hundred Million
m3 Cubic Meters
mL Milliliter
ft3 Cubic Feet

Useful Conversion Factors (for water)
1000 liters = 1m3 = 264 US Gallons
1 gallon = 3.785 liters = 3785 milliliters
1 m3 = 35.3 ft3 = 264 US gallons

Ozone Conversion Calculator


Ozone Concentration Calculator

Ozone Concentration in Water (by weight)
1 mg/l = 1 ppm O3 = 1 g O3 / m3 water
Ozone Concentration in Air (by volume)
1 g O3 / m3 = 467 ppm O3
1 ppm O3 = 2.14 mg O3 / m3
100 pphm = 1 ppm
Ozone Concentration in Air (by weight)
100 g O3 / m3 = 7.8% O3 (approximate)
1% O3 = 12.8 g O3 / m3 (approximate)
1% O3 = 7284 ppm
Ozone Concentration in Oxygen (by weight)
100 g O3 / m3 = 6.99% O3 (approximate)
1% O3 = 14.3 g O3 / m3 (approximate)
1% O3 = 6520 ppm