SAM Verification Kit (530 nm)


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California Regulatory Information
Price : $140.54 $140.54
SKU: 005752

Product Overview

The I-0003 Verification Kit for 530 nm Single Analyte Meters (SAMs) allows an analyst to quickly and routinely check the performance of the following photometers:  Chlorine (I-2001), Dissolved Oxygen (I-2002), Chlorine Dioxide (I-2005), Ozone (DPD) (I-2019) and Peracetic Acid (I-2020).

Each SAM Verification kit is packaged in a compact, durable polypropylene carrying case and includes a set of ampoules containing various dye solutions specific to the wavelength of the particular photometer.  A spectrophotometer that is certified using NIST traceable optical standards has been used to verify that each ampoule in the kit performs within the established acceptance criteria.

A Certificate of Conformance is supplied with each kit that reports the permissible test value for each standard in the kit.

California Regulatory Warning

Example Image
Use in unoccupied spaces only.
Health hazard warning: emits ozone.

This product is not CARB Certified (Ozone Emissions for Air Cleaners).
Product Disclaimer: Does not meet California air cleaner regulation requirements; cannot be shipped to California.