Product Overview
Model 202 Ozone Monitor
EPA Federal Equivalent Method (FEM)
The 2B Technologies Model 202 Ozone Monitor™ is designed to enable accurate and precise measurements of ozone ranging from low ppb (precision of ~1.5 ppb) up to 250,000 ppb (0-250 ppm) based on the well-established technique of absorption of UV light at 254 nm. Flash card memory and a quiet, long-life internal air pump are now provided standard on the Model 202 Ozone Monitor. The Model 202 Ozone Monitor™ is lightweight (5.5 lb., 2.5 kg.) and has a low power consumption (12V DC, 0.60 amp, 7.2 watt) relative to conventional instruments and is therefore well suited for applications such as: ​
- Vertical profiling using balloons, kites, RPVs and light aircraft where space and weight are highly limited
- Long-term monitoring at remote locations where power is highly limited
- Urban arrays of ground-based detectors
- Personal exposure monitoring for studies of health effects of air pollutants
- Environmental health and safety monitoring
- Laboratory studies of the effects of ozone exposure on materials and organisms
System Includes
- Model 202 Ozone Monitor with quiet, long-life internal air pump
- AC Power Adapter (100-240 VAC to 12 VDC) with Country-Specific Plug
- Flash Card Memory for virtually unlimited data storage
- SD Card
- SD Card Reader
- Cigarette Lighter Adapter
- Zeroing Cartridge
- Operation Manual on USB Stick
- Calibration Data and NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate
- Instrument Birth Certificate
- One-Year Warranty
- GPS for continuous logging of latitude, longitude, and altitude (for 10-s data mode and above)
- Rechargeable lithium-ion battery provides 12 hours of continuous operation
- External particle filter
- Serial-to-USB adapter
- 4-20 mA analog current output
- Bluetooth for wireless data transmission
- Low-temperature package for operation to -20 degrees C (pump, lamp heater)
- High-altitude upgrade (pressure sensor for use up to 25 km altitude)
- Extra long-life, low temperature internal air pump
- Low-power option for even lower power consumption
- Rack-mount case configuration
Specifications | |
Measurement Principle | UV Absorption at 254 nm |
Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) | Yes, EQOA-0410-190 |
Linear Dynamic Range | 0 to 250 ppm |
Resolution | 0.1 ppb |
Precision (1σ rms noise) | Greater of 1.5 ppb or 2% of reading for 10-s average |
Accuracy | Greater of 1.5 ppb or 2% of reading |
Limit of Detection (2σ) | 3.0 ppb for 10-s average |
NIST-Traceable Calibration | Yes |
Measurement Interval | 10s (Data averaging options: 1 min, 5 min, 1 hr) |
Flow Rate (nominal) | ~1 Liter/min |
Flow Rate Requirement | >0.6 L/min |
Baseline Drift | < 2 ppb/day < 5 ppb/year |
Sensitivity Drift | < 1%/day < 3%/year |
Measurement Time, Frequency | 10 s, 0.1 Hz |
Response Time, 100% of Step Change | 20 s, 2 points |
Measurement and Averaging Times | 1 min, 5 min, 1 hr |
Ozone Units | ppb, pphm, ppm, µg m-3, mg m-3 |
Pressure Units | mbar, torr |
Temperature Units | °C, K |
T and P Corrected | Yes |
Operating Temperature Range | 0 to 50 °C standard; optional -20 to 50 °C with low temperature modifications (pump and lamp heater cold-weather package) |
Operating Altitude Range | ~0-13.5 km (150-1,013 mbar) standard; optional ~0-25 km (30-1,013 mbar) with upgraded pressure sensor |
Power Requirement; Supplied by battery or 110/220 VAC Power Pack | 11-14 V DC or 120/240 V AC, 600 mA, 7.2 watt (6.2 watt with cell heater unplugged) |
Size | 3.5 x 8.5 x 11 inches (9 x 21 x 29 cm) |
Weight | 5.5 lb (2.5 kg); 2.8 lb (1.3 kg) without instrument case |
Internal Data Logger Capacity | 16,383 lines (10-s meas. = 1.9 days; 1-min avg = 11 days; 5-min avg = 1.9 mo; 1-hr avg = 1.9 yr) |
SD Card Logger Capacity | Minimum 2 GB (> 5-year capacity for 10-s measurement mode) |
Analog Inputs for Internal Logging of Other Instruments | 3 Analog Inputs, 0-2.5 V; For example could log external T, P and RH |
Data Outputs | RS232, 0-2.5 V Analog, LCD Display: (Optional 4-20 mA Current, External USB Converter; request quote) |
Data Transfer Baud Rates | 2400, 4800, 19200 |
Output Ranges | User-Defined Scaling Factor in Menu |
DewLine™ | Yes |
Quiet, Long-Life Internal Air Pump | Yes |
Flow Meter | Yes |
Options | Battery; External Particle Filter; Serial-to-USB Converter; GPS (for 10-s data mode and above); Bluetooth; 4-20 mA Current Output; Cold-Weather Package (pump, lamp heater); High-Altitude Upgrade; Extra-Long-Life Internal Air Pump; Low-Power Option; Rack-Mount Case Configuration |
Upgradable to Model 205 Dual Beam | Yes |
Warranty Information
1 year warranty on defective parts, materials and workmanship.
California Regulatory Warning

Use in unoccupied spaces only.
Health hazard warning: emits ozone.
This product is not CARB Certified (Ozone Emissions for Air Cleaners).
Product Disclaimer: Does not meet California air cleaner regulation requirements; cannot be shipped to California.
Health hazard warning: emits ozone.
This product is not CARB Certified (Ozone Emissions for Air Cleaners).
Product Disclaimer: Does not meet California air cleaner regulation requirements; cannot be shipped to California.